Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From my cousin:
"So you're doing some serious scientific artistic work eh? I can't imagine.

Update 1:

Yes... I am doing some serious work.

Update 2:

I am still on track. Although I do not have a pink dandelion yet, I do not have this (Ian sent me this and said, "i don't know how you mutate them, but weird things have been observed..."). In any case, since he sent it to me, I found this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this. I'm going to stick to trying to make fantasy reality... and something pretty.

Update 3:
I painted dandelions today... they look a little sad in the real, but not too bad in pictures:

Update 4:
Mr. Clarke suggested more light for the dandelions growing in the Crane. Last night I put another three clamp lights on the structure. We will see!


  1. Interesting...after college I was was a horticulture student at Longwood Gardens for two years, and in that time I saw some interesting things in the research division there. Longwood's plant curator, Tomasz Anisko, did actually bring back a dandelion from a plant exploration that had mutated to a nice clear pink--it was quite something.

  2. Really!? This is fabulous!? Would it be possible for you to email me with more of the details?
