Thursday, August 6, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Final Images
Date Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 9:09 AM
Subject Re: final images
sorry to alex, but kinda little funny that the surname is "bloom"....
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
in my inbox this morning
Tom Reber
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
However, I put some dandelions in the toaster oven when they had closed up. I'm not quite sure what my motivation was to do this... exhaustion, perhaps? I guess I was sort of thinking about what happens when you put Peeps in the microwave... that maybe something cool and unexpected may happen to dandelions? Well, whatever, I was right. They didn't turn pink, but they did fluff up. About half of them opened up and puffed out and turned into a seed heads.
So, I tried out candying one of the seed heads... not as easy as expected. It ended up all goopy and lumpy.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Wedding is Off
I began thinking about how this blog functions because we all know that I am not getting anywhere near 267 comments for each of my posts. And I know that I am not a celebrity and my base of supporters is probably significantly smaller than the the entire American public listening to the radio and watching television. I am updating those who are interested on a research project, not my way of life and style. But, in some sense, this project has become a way of life... checking on the baby dandelions everyday, hanging out on the studio researching dandelions instead of watching You Tube videos and making objects. I was also thinking that I have a very face-to-face relationship with many people that are followers of the project... that those who are interested in the project do more than just post a comment... that those who are interested are more real than, say, Candice in TX.
Ian recently emailed me and told me that the blog is too convenient on it's own... which I agree with.... and I decided that is the nature of any blog. You get back exactly what you want.
oh yeh, and i meant to say, in the picture i sent, see how the other wildflowers are all purple hues, the pink dandelion would fit right in, the yellow was so bright and stark when i would come across it on these rough headlands.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I've been thinking a lot lately about the people that come in and out of life... it seems as though, at least lately, relationships and friendships continue to fluctuate. One minute one person is somewhere, and then next minute they are somewhere else, and all the meanwhile I'm over here and trying to get over there.... and then sometimes we just happen to meet in the middle... sometimes we stay for a long while, or a little while.
And really though the same thing could be said about thinking/ figuring things out... sometimes everything clicks and we meet in the middle and then, everything works.
The dandelions at the Crane are growing much bigger. One of them is over 9 inches with broad wide leaves and it's growing a thick maroon base. Another update: the carnations in the studio are still alive... and not droopy at all... hooray Super Fresh on Columbus Blvd.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Philadelphia Inquirer
And also, it's here on the internet.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I was always under the impression that blowing the seeds off a dandelion were like blowing the candles out on a birthday cake. If you blow them all out, your wish comes true. Similarly, if you close your eyes and make a wish, and blow all the seeds off then your wish comes true.
I always wonder where all the seeds end up the same way I wonder where balloons go when they are let go. I know that the whole "wind dispersal" seed method is part of what makes dandelions capable of sowing their seeds so easily... the seeds just probably end up everywhere, and then end up turning into a dandelion.
And, more things that I stumbled into:
To the Dandelion
The Dandelion and the Bee
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Back to the city and to go check on the dandelions in a few hours.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I was right to think that coming back here would be a good thing for me. I went over to the Clarke's house tonight and got a good deal of encouragement and a few laughs. They suggested beets... which I will try. They also suggested strawberries and raspberries which were on my list of things to try as well. I'm also going to try to candy them with pink sugar instead of white... Mrs. Clarke was candying violets and they were just gorgeous. She has more patience than I do for those things. We talked a good deal about Martha Stewart.
Monday, July 20, 2009
I am back at the drawing board, but with a glimmer of hope in the form of red food dye. Tomorrow I am heading to my parents house for about 36 hours which, should, shed some light onto a few things. I'll be sure to see the Clarkes and a few other close family friends who have been following the project closely... some fresh opinions/ fresh sets of eyes... if anything, a little more greenery around me could definitely do me some good.
On Saturday my good friend, Holly, and I went and picked dandelions all morning. She and I used to go for runs near where I have been picking and we had a really good time wandering our old stomping ground... well, at least I did. We (after a little of my convincing) stopped for ice cream on our way back into the city. There are some things that never change, but always make me smile. When we eat ice cream, somehow, we almost always finish eating at the same time.
There's something satisfying about those little "ah-ha" moments where clarity is restored and things sort of make sense again, like eating ice cream with a close friend. Tomorrow= clear head... new thought process... I have eleven days and a lot of sorting, thinking, and rearranging to do.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
What about Red?
...nothing... I'm thinking that because the vinegar didn't do anything the first time around because egg dye is made with vinegar
Absolutely nothing... except turning the ammonia yellow? Strange?
Ah, now... but what about red? That's pretty close...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Temple Today Newsletter
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Top Stories
* Temple students take state budget concerns to Harrisburg: Temple Student Government (TSG) leaders delivered approximately 3,000 letters expressing "extreme concern" about Gov. Rendell's budget proposal, which would cut $31.5 million in state funding to the university.
* Another season of madness: Historian says popular Mad Men series realistically depicts power constructs of the 60s.
* Summer Blog Upddate: The Pink Dandelions Project:Tyler School of Art student Nicole Wilson chronicles her research work in attempting to create a new, pink breed of dandelion. Her online journal, which also includes recipes for candied dandelions and dandelion cookies, is one of three new student blogs added this week.
* Hope floats: Local middle school students participate in Raft Rally as part of CST's 14-day ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Summer Science Camp.
* Just for fun: New NIH grant funds research on how free-time activities can help recovery from mental illness.
* College of Engineering expands into Middle East: New 2+2 agreement will bring students from United Arab Emirates to Temple.
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* Sunday Evening Summer Concert Series: SUNDAY, June 12. 6:30 p.m., Ambler Campus Learning Center, front lawn. Catch the second concert in the summer series as Steve & Steve take the stage. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy a musical summer atmosphere. For details, contact
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Temple University
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I have a slew of reasons, mind you, why I am after such a ridiculous, yet arduous task. I wrote this out a while ago:
Dandelions functions as lighthearted intermediary. Normally dandelions are passed off, discarded, and treated as pests although they have really great qualities. As with many things, their presence is devalued. To make a pink dandelion would make the overlooked extraordinary. The creation of a pink dandelion is a very elegant and romantic image, however at the same time in its creation observing some sense of absurdity.
Today I, also, met with a good friend who I have not seen since May. It was good to hear a fresh voice and opinion about the project. He asked me if I had been writing about the dandelions. I told him that I was but that it was easier for me to write out an answer to a question than it was for me just sit down and write about how I feel about them... maybe, though, the blog on some level functions as that forum for me.
I see art making as a means of understanding like I see research as a means of understanding. I see them both as one in the same. Art making brings to light those things that we cannot comprehend, and maybe to some extent, I would argue, cannot fully grasp. And research is a means of figuring out the "why" in the world. Art making is a means of research and a way to figure things out and similarly research can be a means of art making and a way to figure things out.
In any case, this performance, art making, research, figuring out how to make a pink dandelion... it has about two more weeks. I am still of the mindset, as naive as it sounds, that if one believes that they can do something then they will be able to do it. And, perhaps, maybe it's not just the end result (the pink dandelion) or just the act of making (figuring out and researching how to make a pink dandelion). Perhaps there's more to the questions that come up when reading the blog, or the suggestions that I get when I talk to someone on the street, or the looks that I get when I'm picking the last flowering dandelions of the season, or the basic question that I hear ten times a day (but not to worry, it never gets old), "How are the dandelions coming?"
Don't worry... they are doing just great!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
"So you're doing some serious scientific artistic work eh? I can't imagine."
Update 1:
Yes... I am doing some serious work.
Update 2:
I am still on track. Although I do not have a pink dandelion yet, I do not have this (Ian sent me this and said, "i don't know how you mutate them, but weird things have been observed..."). In any case, since he sent it to me, I found this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this. I'm going to stick to trying to make fantasy reality... and something pretty.
Update 3:
I painted dandelions today... they look a little sad in the real, but not too bad in pictures:
Update 4:
Mr. Clarke suggested more light for the dandelions growing in the Crane. Last night I put another three clamp lights on the structure. We will see!
It may be the nice day or my fairly great mood from finding that penny, but this morning I decided that I was going to adopt some full grown dandelions to keep the baby dandelions in my studio company. Let it be known that this idea is easier said than done. I now fully understand why it is almost impossible to get rid of dandelions when people don't want them in their gardens.
I went to the park with my newly bought trowel... and they wouldn't come all the way out of the soil. I would get really deep down next to the roots and then the root would (unbeknownst to me) turn suddenly. Then I would end up cutting the root in half (on accident)... leaving the half with the flower (the half that I wanted) incapable of being transplanted. I gave up after about an hour of this... it happened every single time, every single dandelion that I came across. Needless to say, there will be no Big Brother/ Big Sister Program in the studio.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
To Make a Mold
And when I asked Ian:
as for casting/ molding dandelions.. jeezz.. you can make one time use plaster molds the facing half of a flower by laying the flower down and mixing plaster and putting it on quite thin when it goes creamy, not going past the center line of the half. when this sets carefully - tweezers - pull all the flower bits out and you can then dampen the plaster and put in hot wax, when it sets up cut away excess and you have wax of half the flower.. can then take this wax and use it for a lost wax casting technique..
My friend, Faith, is good with making molds and she said that she'd help me.
Pots (lots and lots)
Small paintbrushes
Acrylic spray
Puffy paint
Polyester dye
Cotton dye
Red food coloring
Carnations (both white and pink)
Pink flowers (assorted)
Floral spray
**things may still be added to this list**
Adam, on Saturday, said that his younger brother (who apparently is very into flowers) thinks that altering the pH of the soil isn't going to do anything. I, frankly, agree... but I figure that anything at this point is worth a shot.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I believe that I would rank today as a success.
I woke up early this morning to go pick dandelions. I always find that as stressful as the drive is up Broad Street (past both hospitals) but it's always worth it. I get out of my car and can just set my mind to searching for something and I know what it looks like and they're usually easy to spot. This morning was a nice morning and I found a lot quickly, which made me smile.
My parents have a way of always showing up early for any event. I should start telling them that things start a half an hour later than they do so that they show up fifteen minutes late... and then we'd be running on the same schedule. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke helped me with a lot of the preliminary planning and it was nice that they were able to come and finally see everything together and in the space. And it was really nice that friends were able to stop by and everyone could talk about the project together.
Tomorrow will be a planning day. I will be making a list of materials and supplies, tying up loose ends in my research so that Monday I can get down to business and really turn this studio into a makeshift laboratory/ workshop.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I have two recipes for dandelion cookies, one that Mrs. Clarke found for me and one that I found online. I suggest adding more flour to the one that Mrs. Clarke gave me (which is the first recipe) and the 1 3/4 cup of flour to the second recipe.
1/2 cup vegetable or canola oil
1/2 cup honey
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup unbleached flour
1 cup dry oatmeal
1/2 cup dandelion flowers
Blend the oil and honey and beat in the 2 eggs and vanilla. Stir in the flour, oatmeal. Gently add the dandelion flowers. Using a teaspoon, drop the batter onto a lightly oiled cookie sheet.* Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 10-15 minutes.
Yield: 2 dozen
From Pat Clarke via Press-Enterprise Newspaper
1/2 CUP shortening
1/4 CUP + 2 TBSP white sugar
1/4 CUP + 2 TBSP brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 TSP vanilla
1/2 TSP soda
1/4 TSP salt
1/4 CUP yellow dandelion petals (more or less to taste) - washed and patted dry
1 1/4 to 1 3/4 CUPS all purpose flour (less for drop cookies, more for shaped cookies)
Cream together the shortening and sugars.
When light and fluffy, add the vanilla and egg. Beat well.
Mix in all the dry ingredients, including the dandelion petals.
Drop by spoonfuls or roll into balls about 1/2 inch round, and place on an ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake at 375 degrees F for about 7 minutes or until the edges are slightly brown.
Mrs. Clarke also told me how to make these and it was pretty simple... brush on egg whites and sprinkle on superfine sugar. She showed me violets that she had candied and they were a lot neater than these guys that I did today. I'm a little clumsier than she is I guess, but I resorted to dunking the egg white covered dandelion flowers in the sugar. They are strangely delicious. I always thought that sour and sweet went well together... these are more like bitter and sweet, but it's a very interesting taste combination.